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Maintaining that ‘je ne c’est qua’ into age 60 and beyond

March 15, 2019


Maintaining that ‘je ne c’est qua’ into age 60 and beyond

SENIOR FASHIONISTA – Mark Allan Davis, 57, is a musical theater specialist born in Rochester, N.Y.

He says his work in dance and theatre took him to Europe, where he learned that “being fashionable and being stylish aren’t mutually inclusive. I collect clothes, then get rid of them, then look for new bargains. Successfully, I might add!”

He’s in fashion transition right now, from dressing too young for his age, he said. “As I’m approaching 60 like a bullet, I’ve begun to notice that some of the younger fashions really are only for 25-year-olds. But I’ve slowly been finding more comfort in the clothes I enjoy wearing now, and trust that I’m evolving.”

Mark Davis
Mark Davis

David shops at Banana Republic, Plato’s Closet consignment shop for gently worn name labels (not in CA), H&M, Nordstrom rack and Goodwill. If he could afford it, he’d love to shop at Valentino, Yves St. Laurent for men or Scotch and Soda on Fillmore.

When he’s in his 60s and beyond, he says, “I hope to maintain some flair, style or ‘je ne c’est qua.’ I’d love to be wearing St. Laurent for men, but unfortunately his clothes don’t reach Ross!

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