Help Senior Beat #EndAgeism: Our mission is simply to tell the stories of this diverse city’s older adults
By sharing the stories of San Francisco’s older adults, the San Francisco Senior Beat is hoping to change societal views of aging that are often negative. And we could use your help to do more of this kind of storytelling.
Please donate to Senior Beat’s GoFundMe campaign.
In addition to our regular features, we are participating with the San Francisco Community Living Campaign and the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services in a campaign to #EndAgeism. Read more in Senior Beat about the campaign and the people helping to “Reframe Aging.”

The Senior Beat is an online magazine featuring people over 50 in San Francisco – a kind of People magazine about older adults. We dip into this population to show readers the reality of senior life in this incredibly diverse city.
We focus on profiles of people who have faced challenges or are coping with new ones, but also those who are exploring new opportunities for learning, giving back or simply reinventing themselves. Sometimes we bring attention to a particular program, but through the eyes and experiences of the people it is helping.
We are a small staff of part-timers, largely funded through SF Reserve, a program of the Community Living Campaign. We would like to be able to expand our work to include more interactive features and profile people in more of the city’s neighborhoods.
This fundraiser is being organized by Marie Jobling, executive director of the San Francisco Community Living Campaign (CLC), and Robin Evans, editor of the San Francisco Senior Beat. Donations are 100% tax deductible.

NOTE: The photo at the top of the page and that below is of Christine Raher, the San Francisco Lawn Bowling Club’s Woman Bowler of the Year. See the story in San Francisco Senior Beat.