Educator challenged the status quo at an early age, helped found SF Women’s Building and now active in California Senior Legislature

March 4, 2023 All Posts

Anne Warren was never shy. In high school, she shocked school administrators at a public meeting. The integration they were proud to proclaim in her hometown’s sole public high school did not exist. As a young Black woman, she described deeply divided racial and economic divisions. “The kids who gathered in the front hall were ...

Longtime Laguna Honda Hospital residents hang on under cloud of relocation from their longtime home and safe haven

January 15, 2023 All Posts

When forty-five-year-old Felipe Martinez suffered a massive stroke that left him unable to stand, walk, swallow or handle any of the activities of daily living, the one thing he was certain of was that Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center wasn’t for him. “That’s for the elderly, that’s not me,” he thought at the time. ...

His daughter wanted to play soccer, so he started an all-girls team; last month, they took on the Chinese women’s national team.

September 16, 2022 All Posts 1 Comment

Two women’s soccer teams face off at Kezar Stadium. One is local, the other a world-class opponent. With the game tied 1-1, the SF Nighthawks‘ forward head-butts the ball, sending it off at a 90-degree angle. Her teammate corrals the pass and aims a swift kick toward the goal. It misses, but a cheer resounds ...

Chinese immigrant whose motto is ‘seize opportunity, work hard, take risks,’ finds success as nursing assistant, caregiver

August 20, 2022 All Posts

Yanzhen Guo and her family moved to San Francisco in 2011. Like many newly arrived immigrants, they couldn’t afford a home of their own, lacked marketable job skills and spoke limited English. Eleven years later, the family is living in a two-story townhouse in Hunters Point. Guo is now a licensed nursing assistant, works steadily ...

“80 Over 80”: Interviews with elders is all about fostering respect for long life, endurance and the wisdom available to us

July 25, 2022 All Posts

One too many magazines hyping the “30 under 30’”or “40 under 40” jolted a San Francisco geriatrician into countering with an “80 Over 80” project. After three years of interviewing these older city residents, the results can now be seen at “It crystallized something in me: What about seniors?” Dr. Anna Chodos, an associate ...

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