Potrero Avenue ‘collective’ soup kitchen is the hostess with the mostest: Everything’s free, no government paperwork or religion attached

April 25, 2023 All Posts 3 Comments

It’s lunchtime at Martin de Porres House of Hospitality, and the Potrero Avenue soup kitchen is abuzz with activity. A few dozen people are sitting down to a meal of macaroni salad, vegetable soup, and tea. Others are lined up for a shower. A volunteer is distributing socks and other clothes, and a few guests ...

Sunset native’s determination to show district past fascinating not boring sparks late-in-life career as San Francisco historian

April 17, 2023 All Posts 1 Comment

With the exception of Golden Gate Park, San Francisco’s Sunset District is well off the beaten tourist track. The sprawling neighborhood bordering the south side of Golden Gate Park has its attractions – Ocean Beach, Stern Grove, Depression-era murals – but its foggy weather, wide and sometimes treeless streets, and row upon row of lookalike, ...

Buttons, strings and fabric scraps: Artist creates intricate designs and portraits from bits and pieces

April 7, 2023 All Posts 3 Comments

Marie Bergstedt finds art in the everyday: buttons, fabrics, bits of discarded clothing, and string. She combines those mundane materials into expressive representations of a person she’s known or observed. Her subjects range from relatives, friends and associates to street people. A self-described fabric artist, she works with natural and synthetic fibers to create her ...

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