Longtime Laguna Honda Hospital residents hang on under cloud of relocation from their longtime home and safe haven

January 15, 2023 All Posts

When forty-five-year-old Felipe Martinez suffered a massive stroke that left him unable to stand, walk, swallow or handle any of the activities of daily living, the one thing he was certain of was that Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center wasn’t for him. “That’s for the elderly, that’s not me,” he thought at the time. ...

Vibrant B&B owner transcended constricted, somber childhood as partygoer and planner, vintage costume designer and decorator

January 7, 2023 All Posts 14 Comments

Growing up in a strict Orthodox Jewish family in Brooklyn, New York, Sheila Ash almost never had a birthday party. Celebrations were reserved for the High Holy Days observed in the fall. So, when this youngest daughter grew up, she became a partygoer, a party thrower, an event and wedding planner, hostess, costume designer and ...

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