Glen Park book store owner finds Literature and Live Jazz the perfect match for neighborhood communing, musicians staying employed

July 28, 2022 All Posts

Twenty-four years ago, Eric Whittington decided that a career as a word processor wasn’t how he wanted to spend the rest of his working life. Then 42, Whittington and his wife maxed out their credit cards and purchased a small, not-very-successful women’s bookstore in San Francisco’s Glen Park neighborhood. They renamed it Bird & Beckett ...

“80 Over 80”: Interviews with elders is all about fostering respect for long life, endurance and the wisdom available to us

July 25, 2022 All Posts

One too many magazines hyping the “30 under 30’”or “40 under 40” jolted a San Francisco geriatrician into countering with an “80 Over 80” project. After three years of interviewing these older city residents, the results can now be seen at “It crystallized something in me: What about seniors?” Dr. Anna Chodos, an associate ...

Selma freedom fighter, San Francisco State College striker and anti-war publisher still making ‘good trouble’

June 26, 2022 All Posts 1 Comment

If the stakes weren’t deadly serious, the high-speed car chase through rural Alabama in 1965 might have seemed like a scene from The Dukes of Hazard. Bruce Hartford, then a young civil rights worker, and three volunteers with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference had been holding a workshop in non-violence in Brantley, a town with ...

Glittery red shoes remind artist and teacher of her glamorous days as “Lady Harriet,” dancer and blues singer at her own nightclub in Guatemala

June 23, 2022 All Posts 2 Comments

Though she moves more slowly now, and the form-fitting gown and sparkling red stilettos have been replaced by more comfortable clothing, 89-year-old Harriet Sebastian is still a performer. Resting in the satin-draped armchair where she spends most of her days, Sebastian paused mid-story and turned toward the credenza where her dancing shoes were hanging. “I ...

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