High costs and dearth of financial assistance programs for middle-income seniors leave them in the lurch when help at home is needed

May 17, 2022 Photo gallery 1 Comment

By Judy Goddess and Mary Hunt The Rev. Eileen Kinney never expected a time would come when she couldn’t take care of herself. But her neuropathy, a disorder that causes in numbness, tingling, muscle weakness and pain – typically in the hands and feet, began to worsen and she started having trouble cooking and cleaning. ...

Chinese musicologist brings wide range of instruments and influences to teaching, movie and theater scores, original CDs and local performances

May 16, 2022 All Posts 1 Comment

It’s a chilly March evening in Glen Park. Thirty or so music fans have crowded into Bird & Beckett Books and Records, a neighborhood haunt for live jazz and poetry performances. Tonight, though, classical Chinese music is on the menu as San Francisco celebrates Chinese New Year. “How many of you are Tigers?” Betty Wong ...

Family members make up majority of in-home caregivers due to help’s high cost, taking on all-consuming sometimes overwhelming role

May 14, 2022 Photo gallery 3 Comments

Debbie Aguilar’s husband, Roberto, had a major stroke that paralyzed his right side and rendered his speech almost unintelligible. It happened during the pandemic, so she was allowed in the skilled nursing home only one day for training before he was sent home. “Life turned upside down. My husband used to do everything,” she said. ...

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