Family members make up majority of in-home caregivers due to help’s high cost, taking on all-consuming sometimes overwhelming role

May 14, 2022 Photo gallery 3 Comments

Debbie Aguilar’s husband, Roberto, had a major stroke that paralyzed his right side and rendered his speech almost unintelligible. It happened during the pandemic, so she was allowed in the skilled nursing home only one day for training before he was sent home. “Life turned upside down. My husband used to do everything,” she said. ...

SFUSD Phys Ed teacher, Scout leader, coach and professional basketball ref may be retired, but he’s still getting people out to exercise

May 2, 2022 All Posts

Searching for a way to stay in touch with friends after retirement, Ralph Pujolar and his college roommate started a walking group. They called it the Aloha Walkers, he said, “because my wife was born and raised in Honolulu, and I was always saying ‘Aloha’ when greeting someone.” The idea caught on. People heard about ...

Senior Beat examines in-home caregiving crisis: High costs leave most middle-income seniors in the lurch; worker supply lags demand

May 1, 2022 All Posts

Because of its importance – and continuing concern – Senior Beat has decided to re-publish in whole this series produced last May by staff writers Mary Hunt and Judy Goddess. Their stories look at a complex health-care system that leaves most middle-income seniors on their own for in-home help affordable only for the wealthy and ...

Somewhere between old age and hospice, there’s a phase called ‘docent.’ I’m fulfilling mine at Point Lobos.

April 4, 2022 All Posts 10 Comments

Through college and grad school, I successfully avoided science courses.  I took only two: astronomy and natural history, which my husband called “Our Friend, Mr. Sun,” and “The Chicken: A Natural History.” When he met me, I was 32, and he was incredulous I’d survived that long, given my complete lack of understanding of how ...

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