Bayview seniors and youth work and learn together in award-winning program led by artist whose quilts feature city’s Black residents.

April 1, 2022 All Posts 1 Comment

It’s a spring-like March morning in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood. A gaggle of preschoolers is busy painting wooden stakes to mark plantings in the garden of the Dr. George W. Davis Senior Center. They’re working under the watchful eyes of teachers from a nearby elementary school as well as Bayview residents, mostly in their 70s ...

Nicaraguan refugee makes a life as bank teller, school aide and house cleaner – with some perks from customers who became friends

March 31, 2022 All Posts 1 Comment

Guess Elba Balderramos’s job, a gig where grateful clients paid for her to cruise to Mexico, Alaska, Hawaii and the Panama Canal, and one promised to leave her $50,000 in her will. Trusted family lawyer? Investment Advisor? Nope. Balderramos, now 79, is a bank teller at the Bank of America in San Francisco, where she’s ...

Seniors may worry about crime on Muni, but the biggest complaints are fellow passengers – rowdy teens, the homeless and the mentally ill

March 29, 2022 All Posts

It’s another bumpy afternoon ride on the 38-Geary, San Francisco’s most heavily used Muni line. The bus, with its accordion-like middle, is rattling and bouncing so hard that only riders immune to motion sickness can read. The blue seats reserved for seniors fill up fast. Older people, many toting shopping carts, some with canes, crowd ...

An ‘open classroom’ spurred a young girl’s creativity. Now she’s offering a similar experience to older adults as head of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

March 25, 2022 All Posts 2 Comments

When Don van Druten rumbled up to Kathy Bruin’s elementary school in his 1949 truck, she and some of the other fifth-graders piled into the truck’s bed, and off they’d go to his house on Lancaster Road in Walnut Creek. There, he would show them how to whittle wood and his wife, Gale, would teach ...

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