Life in the Later Lane

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Miraloma Park Neighbor Fest focuses on safety, building neighborhood resilience

November 15, 2017 All Posts

In late October, the Miraloma Park Improvement Club threw a Neighbor Fest. Some 450 neighbors came. Like other Neighborfests around the city, the purpose was to gather people together and turn “strangers into neighbors and neighbors into friends.” This Fest, however, also included extensive disaster preparedness information along with the hotdogs, coloring books, and camaraderie. ...

Art With Elders Program Harnesses Creativity and Yields Greater Health

November 1, 2017 All Posts

Many of the students in the  Art with Elders program have overcome significant physical and cognitive obstacles to produce their art, including the loss of the use of their dominant hand. “One of our objectives is to promote how our students use their wisdom and experience to overcome these obstacles. It’s tough!” said Mark Campbell, ...

Sunset seniors get pumped up putting their power into Taiko drumming

October 5, 2017 All Posts

At the Cole Valley Fair in September, 11 members of the Kotobuki Taiko group demonstrated that seniors can drum energetically and with passion. They can also get healthier doing it. The Kotobuki (longevity) Taiko group was formed nine years ago at The Stonestown Family YMCA Annex, under the leadership of volunteer teacher Carol Ayers, 73, a longtime Taiko drummer. “I had some surgeries, ...

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