
A life of resilience: Escaping Soviet antisemitism, Tatyana Yasnovsky built a life in San Francisco as she practiced psychiatry  

March 19, 2025 0 Comments

For Tatyana Yasnovsky, a retired psychiatrist and émigré from the former Soviet Union, her arrival in America in the mid-‘70s was joyous and unforgettable, Prompted to leave Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, to escape Russia’s pervasive antisemitism, Yasnovsky’s family endured ostracism and the loss of their jobs when they applied for exit visas. They then spent ...

As kids, we want to be older; when we’re older, not so much. Contemplating our mission as we experience the stages of aging.

April 28, 2023 All Posts

GUEST COLUMN My husband’s older cousin, Stuart, told an amusing story some years back. It went like this: As was his usual Saturday custom, he went into his local McDonald’s restaurant and ordered a coffee. The cashier took his order and rang him up. “That’ll be $1.09, sir.” Stuart was surprised. “No, I think you ...

“80 Over 80”: Interviews with elders is all about fostering respect for long life, endurance and the wisdom available to us

July 25, 2022 All Posts

One too many magazines hyping the “30 under 30’”or “40 under 40” jolted a San Francisco geriatrician into countering with an “80 Over 80” project. After three years of interviewing these older city residents, the results can now be seen at “It crystallized something in me: What about seniors?” Dr. Anna Chodos, an associate ...

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