Bank of America

San Francisco podcaster and sister-city advocate earned his news chops freelancing for BBC in South America

December 8, 2023 All Posts 2 Comments

Jim Herlihy spent years managing investments for major banks in South America. While stationed in hotspots like Chile and Ecuador, he used his insider knowledge to write about the region as a freelance reporter for the BBC and other news services. Years later and pushed into retirement, the 75-year-old New York native leveraged his time ...

BofA offices were set up just like ‘Mad Men,’ recalls Stonestown senior and graduate of the famed Katharine Gibbs ‘white glove’ secretarial school

August 22, 2021 All Posts

Kathy Schmidt went to high school in Kansas, where her father taught singing at the college level. Her mother taught high school until she married. Schmidt graduated with a bachelor’s degree in English literature and a minor in Spanish from Wheaton College in Massachusetts. But in the early ’50s, a woman with that kind of ...

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