Concert pianist gets a surprise from the past: One of her own compositions, performed in 1980, pulled from university archives for publication

November 28, 2023 All Posts 1 Comment

It was 1980 and Katrina Krimsky prepared to perform at the Piano Creative Music Studio in Woodstock, New York. An accomplished, but at the time not widely known pianist, she launched into one of her own compositions, a 42-minute piece called “Soundscape.”  Years later, critics praised the difficult, somewhat esoteric compositions she performed that day, ...

SENIORS TALK: To drive or not to drive, that is the question.

November 20, 2023 All Posts

Driving has always been part of the California dream. But as we age, driving becomes difficult or unaffordable for some of us. SeniorBeat went to the Castro Senior Center and asked seniors if they still drive their own cars, how they cope if they don’t, and do they think it would be fair to require ...

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